Sydney's impact on the Irving Community

I’m going old school this week - back to Psychology 101 - Remember learning about Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs - the most basic needs physiological needs - food, clothing, shelter and rest.  As a staff we’re all fairly blessed that our basic needs are met.  And, as we move up the ladder, we humans have a driving need to belong.  A former colleague, Sally Ziegler from Pershing, shared an Harvard Business Review survey that targeted three buckets that comprise the unspoken psychological contract between employees and employers - that is, employees are looking to fulfill the following needs:

  • Career is about work: having a job that provides autonomy, allows you to use your strengths, and promotes your learning and development. It’s at the heart of intrinsic motivation.
  • Community is about people: feeling respected, cared about, and recognized by others. It drives our sense of connection and belongingness.
  • Cause is about purpose: feeling that you make a meaningful impact, identifying with the organization’s mission, and believing that it does some good in the world. It’s a source of pride.

When we get these needs met, we bring our whole selves to work.  Conversely, when these needs aren't met, we are less satisfied - less committed.  We don’t perform as well.

The survey says that most of us - regardless of age, gender, experience view community has the driving need in our lives.   We need to make deep human connections in our workplace. We need to know we matter to our colleagues.  We want to have a social circle.

Against this backdrop, I want to celebrate Sydney Goushas who is a second year teacher - not just second year at Irving, but second year to teaching. Sydney has the need for community, but even more than that she is creating community.  And, how is our second year teacher doing that? Sydney is honoring staff with “Staff of the Week” posters that are on display in the hallways along with a mason jar in the lounge where staff can deposit personal messages to the highlighted staff person.  Thank you, Sydney- you make us important.


Sydney doesn’t stop with staff - she creates ways for students to experience community.  Sydney spends hours of her own time on meaningful PBIS boosters that acknowledge positive student interactions.  She is sending the message to individual kids - you are not noticed - you are valued - you make good contributions here at Irving.


And this example is really over the top, Sydney has found a special way for students in her classroom to know that they are special - valued and that they belong in 4GF.  Sydney noticed that all of her students did not have hat and gloves for recess.  She collected a classroom set from our enchanted backpack supply and embroidered hats with each of her students’ names.


Sydney you are providing glue that binds us together as an Irving community.  I am glad and grateful you are one of us.


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