
Ms. Maddie Emrich, our own second grade teacher has responded to Leah O’Donnell’s invitation to participate in the Slice of Life writing experience that is sponsored by the renowned blog – Two Writing Teachers. Maddie has started her own blog.  Her message is enthusiastic – a contagious enthusiasm indicating that she values the practice of writing – and wants to instill that practice into her students.  Her entries are a must read! 

Hats off to you, Maddie. Your writing is fresh and honest – from the heart.  You have chosen some great slices of your life – deeply personal events that merit reflection and sharing.  I know you better and value your contribution to our staff and to our students.  I will continue reading your blog.  We need more Maddie’s. Tell us more Maddie. Your entries will inspire us to write and pass what we learn in the process to our students. 

Mike Schmoker’s in Focus: Elevating the Essentials to Radically Improve Student Learning gives us a working definition of authentic literacy – “To effectively read, talk, and write about a wide variety of sufficiently complex, high quality literature and non-fiction”. 

We want our students to be able to write – A couple of questions for us in the pursuit of forming effective writers - question -  How much do our students write and what are they writing about Maddie’s second graders are off and running with their writing.  Maddie’s writing lessons with her students are showing the students how to write in response to life events and to text.  Maddie, you are showing them the runway on the path to writing.

Thank you for sharing and keep up the great work.



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