Phase 2

Amanda Gorman wrote and delivered the perfect message for all of us.  The poem’s title is spot on “The Hill We Climb” - and its message is so fitting for schools.

This week we moved up the hill when our kindergarten and first grade hybrid kids came back into our school - their school.  A kindergarten girl came into the building and said "I've been waiting years for this day".   A first grade parent stopped and said we were thinking about the timeline and our daughter has spent more time in remote learning then actually in the school; parent and child were both excited to be back in school and the girl remembered most of the building.

And, when teaching began, you began the delicate balance of teaching to the kids now in front of you and teaching to the Zoom kids.  You are the maestros conducting the wonderful orchestra of learning.  For sure, hybrid throws off your rhythm, rattles your securities, but what you accomplished this week is monumental! It’s you climbing up the hill. As Amanda Gorman said, “For there is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it.  If only we’re brave enough to be it”.  We saw your light, teachers and staff, and we continue to admire your bravery.



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