
Kathy sent me the note below and she gives credit where credit is due – and she doesn’t beat around the bush about the good works of several important people who make Irving shine.

To all the people below - thank you for all your hard work behind, around and in front of the scenes. And include yourself in that count, Kathy.  You have made us more aware of key events and circumstances that we can easily take for granted. 

“Just to let you know...

Our Book Fair made over $1,000 in profits which included free books for teachers and new books for our library. Special thanks to our own Mrs. Garcia and parent Mrs. Rangel for set-up, overseeing sales all week, and the close up on the last day!

Also, Mrs. Rangel was the one who wrapped each squishy in cellophane with a note card attached for the 5th grade fundraiser.

Danny has been on top of our snow and ice on sidewalks, playgrounds and all doorways!  He continues to do a great job!

Pat DeSalvo has successfully received all of the Van Gogh fun packs and money for another school year! Her hard work for this fundraising event every year is a true testament to her dedication to Irving School!”

Kathy, could you be a regular on Friday Reflections?!


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