Community Support

Because most of our contacts are with Berwyn’s children, it is good to be reminded that behind each child is a family and a larger community.  And we need their support in pursuit of the education of our kids. A vocal group of community members have been going to school board meetings over the past months to voice their opposition about the recently passed district referendum; some dissenters have accused the district about not being honest up front with how the passage of the referendum would raise their property taxes. To say the least, tax referendums are complicated and the most recent one is both complicated and contentious. 

With this said, several of Irving’s community members came forward at the recent school board meeting as counterpoints to the dissenting votes.  

Here are their speeches in support of Irving.  Kris Nesbitt who is the mother of Cora in Hannah’s class speaks first.  Her heartfelt message is exactly what so many parents think about Irving she says “I have been impressed, heartened, and enlightened” by the care of Irving’s teachers, staff and administration; she shared that her daughter “can’t wait to go back to school the next day”. 

Another speaker is the grandfather of Joaquin who is in Meredith’s 4th grade class. He shared that his grandson has had great teachers through all his grades.  Mr. Disch is a powerful spokesperson on behalf of the larger Berwyn community – “our community is strengthened by a good educational system”.  He asked the board and the public to consider the “intent of the referendum” - referring to the reality that the referendum was placed on the ballot to give our schools more resources to use for educating Berwyn’s children.  He argued that the integrity of the intent of the board when they placed the referendum on the ballot was the most important consideration as to how the board should resolve this dilemma.

Just wanted all of you to know that these two residents/stake holders are valuing the work you do on a daily basis for their children. They serve as our advocates and we need and value their genuine real voices and concerns.



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