Reluctant Writer

Last week I gave you a list of characteristics that could possibly serve as a springboard lesson on writing a paragraph. 

And, this week I want to share with you an entry I wrote about myself. – I’ll call it “Confessions of a Reluctant Writer”. 

I am a reluctant writer. There I said it.  I started this weekly email/blog because I struggle with writing, I need to learn more about it, and I need to get better at writing.  I have an especially hard time finding direction when writing about a topic. I often look for support from others and professional articles for inspiration about where to go with my writing. 

When it comes to people, my mother is my go to source.  When it comes to everyday writing, I often send her things to proof read.  In terms of my blog, she has helped me drum up ideas, edit my entries, and provide me with sound professional advice.  She taught ELA for 40 years and is a national board certified teacher – I would be a fool not to use her expertise. 

Professional books and articles are also a good spring board for me. Like I said above, half my battle is figuring out a direction of where to go with my writing.  Often, reading books and articles can help guide me in a direction.  Reading others ideas can spark a possible direction or even seeing another authors breakdown of an idea can help me plan out my own path.

I’m sure you have some reluctant writers in your room.  And, I’m sure they too struggle with how to breakdown their thoughts and articulate them into coherent writing.  It is no easy task to teach writing and students often need to struggle with the process to become better. Often times, conferencing with students and providing them with thought provoking literature can help them generate their own path. 

Back in the day, if I had teachers who built writing workshop into the schedule, perhaps I wouldn’t be writing this post today. But it’s not too late.  

Write on,



  1. Great picture! #photocred I feel like I will always be a reluctant writer! I am not nearly as brave as you are to put your writing out there like you do on your blog! Glad you do though! Maybe someday I will work up the nerve! Rhanks for all the writing tips!


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