Interview a classmate
Do you need another goal? Another initiative? No – so don’t consider these thoughts as a school wide focus. I simply want to offer some weekly thoughts and support on the writing process.
Full disclosure – I struggle with writing –and struggled all the way through school. My thoughts are often rambling – all over the place – and I often fall short when I attempt to put my ideas into a written communication that you will be able to follow. But write I must – it’s part of my job – and write you must – it’s part of your job. And, we know our students will undoubtedly need to be able to write in future jobs.
Hopefully I can pull together some research, some sources or lessons that will support you as teachers of writing. I know many of you do a great deal of writing with your students – so please share any lessons, approaches, ideas that effective support student writing.
Here’s an idea that seems fitting for the beginning of the year – have students interview each other and – for the older students - write a paragraph about the other classmate. Of course, young students will need more scaffolding for this assignment. The following website offers a free handout printable – perhaps you could use some of the ideas on the handout.
And, we all know the benefit of the teacher writing up a paragraph after s/he has interviewed someone – and sharing the write up with the class.
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