Kathy and Pat
It’s Secretary Week! I thought of getting Superhero capes for Kathy and Pat - Wonder Woman for Kathy and Captain Marvel for Pat. But I didn’t pull it off – maybe because our two Super Heroes are always the ones that do such favors for me! Our Superhero secretaries have a half century of working together at Irving. Two women working side by side - sharing so much - they must be able to finish one another’s thoughts. All of us know that the fact that they have pulled off such a close working relationship is no small feat - bet their working relationship could play in some Seinfeld episodes! There probably isn’t anyone in school who has more daily interaction with the biggest cross-section of those served than Kathy and Pat. There is not a thing that happens at Irving that they do not have their fingerprints on. They see and hear it all - from kids, parents, volunteers, janitors, teachers, district bigwigs, administrators, police officers, crossing guar...