Reading at Home - Claudia

No regrets about putting this cold January behind us… We all know the importance of early reading – and the positive impact on kids who come to school having been read to by parents. But our first-grade teacher Claudia Bielicki puts “her money where her mouth is” – she has developed a weekly communication format that offers encouragement and support to parents so they will foster not only reading but other literacy activities at home. I have attached a couple screenshots of communication that Claudia has with her parents. Bravo for all the thought and hard work and perseverance – I’m sure the parents who are picking up so many of her ideas are grateful; their kids are surely benefitted. I would really like to plug the importance of reading and encourage ways we can bring in reading support from home. Hats off to you Claudia - you are laying the ground work for how readers are nurtured – and how reading brings satisfaction, knowledge of what ...