Revising Purposeful Writing
I have been browsing around for writing ideas and came across the ideas of Ralph Fletcher. “Here’s the secret of writing: there is no secret” capish! We simply have to write to be good at writing. And here’s Fletcher’s refreshing take on revising/editing: “Many young writers think of revision as all hard work and drudgery. But revision is no more than just a way to fix a broken piece of writing. It’s also a way to honor a good piece and make it even better.” The more I think about a piece of writing that I would be willing to revise or want to revise – it’s only the writing that is going to be read by someone or somebodies. Is that true for most of our kids? Will most kids put in the time on a target piece of writing if someone else isn’t going to read it? Quite honestly, I would not. Fl...